
Friday, December 11, 2020

Campo Wampo Schooliosis

 Hey Readers.

This week we went on camp to living springs. We went on a bus ride to a farm were we ate and did a walk to the pens. We patted sheep and goats. A goat got stuck in the fence it was super funny to watch. We touched its horns they're super hard and have a wierd texture. I went on a tractor ride then we watched a cow get milked. Then a sheep got sheared it struggled and tried gapping it. After we climmed up a hill for like a 1h. It was super hard and tireing. When we got there we unpacked and did our beds. After we went to the pool and went for a swim. Then we got to go on the monorail and zipline, the monorail was super scary and fast. I thought i was going to fall off but i didnt. I went to the zipline afterwards. And i was scared at first but I sent and flew across the river bank. Yet it was scary the view was great. Im going to skip the boring stuff after and go to the water slide we our togs and a shirt on and lined up it was a down hill water slide and you go fast. I burnt my knee and hurt my ankle from the grass. I liked archery to and the gun shooting. And that was my Campo Wampo experience.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Land pollution

  Hey Readers

Yesterday we made a DLO on land pollution. i found it super easy because you have seen how many pollution posts I have done. 

Maths Area

 Hey readers.

Today in maths we did a work a sheet it was about calculating the area. We had to awnser times table it was super fun and easy.        

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Possum Facts

 Hey Readers.

In reading we've been doing facts about possums. It was really easy we searched stuff up and made a google drawing about it. We read a book that helped us to for it and then we also did a KWL. K for knowledge w for wanting to learn. And L for learnt. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Water Pollution

 Hey readers.

For the last couple days we learned about water pollution today we did facts about water pollution. We made a dlo or poster it was super fun and easy to make heres some facts about water pollution.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Lemon Soap (Hand Made)

 Hey Readers Cameron Here.

On the 5 of November we made lemon hand scrub. We read a text about pollution and how bad it is to wash down soap. So we read a text talking about pollution and sewage. We discussed some stuff we read the instructions and got in to groups Cameron Logan and Connor. We got are tools and started making. We used a bowl a grater and a knife we grabbed are lemons we grated the lemons. Then we cut them and squeze the juice into the bowl. We put 2/5 cups of sugar and 1 cup of vegetable oil. We put the gratings from the lemons in with it then the lemon juice we mixed it around. We passed the bowl around and used a wooden spoon. Everyone took turns in the mixing. We all then in our groups washed our hands with it. It feels wierd but it works it taste really nice to. We grabbed a jar each and put some of ours in. We took it home after that and showed our patents. 

Hope you liked it. Its natrual ingredients. It was super fun and easy to make. You should try make some your self.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Water Pollution

 Hey, Readers.

Today in inquiry we learnt about water pollution. And what causes it we did a brain storm on paper with a buddy to see what we know. We have Torandos, Plastic, Rubbish, Radiation, Air tunnel, and poohs. Then we did a document writing the pollutint and the causes it makes. It was super fun and easy to make. Heres my work.  Heres also a link to a game we played about pollution

Friday, October 16, 2020

Meerkat Writing

 Hello Readers.

This week in writing we were writing about a short film. We watched at was about meerkats and a vulture the vulture steals the fruit and the meerkats chase the vulture. It was kinda funny. It was super easy to write and describe. Loads of fun to write about.

HUUH! I woke up after hibernation and climbed down our pile in the burrow. The best part of the year warm summer time the sun shining and time too search.

I jump out our burrow and see it the last fruit of the season. All the other meerkats wake up and see it to we ran over their in joy. We climbed the tree and stared at it in awe. One by one we stroke the fruit .We dropped too the ground and waved our head in sink. swish we all ran too our burrow hiding wondering what it was. A vulture it chuckled in glee and gently rubbed the fruit then poooooof

We all rioted and chased it fist up in the air I jump on his hands and grip onto the fruit in the vultures claws. We make a chain trying too stop him he won't stop going. The vulture lifted us in the air we gripped each others feet working together I tried ripping it out of his claws. The vulture throws us around we lose grip and the vulture throws the fruit and us in the air we catch the vulture flys towards and we pass the fruit between us. I pass the fruit too my friend and the vulture intercepts it

. It drops the vulture dives down towards the fruit and catches it. All of us drop down I land on the vulture and put my hands out. We make a pyramid on the vuture we all fall off the vulture chuckles in glee thinking he has it until BASH. He flew straight into a cliff and dropped the fruit. I ran around trying too catch it my friends tower up and catch it. My friend then passes it too me we pass it between us I run for the try and go for the kick BANG. IT'S GOOD we all cheer until SMASH the fruit hits the grand and smashes. We all start too tear up as the last fruit crushes on the ground. And the vulture flys passed us in pain going up and down and chuckling as no one gets the fruit. We all cry and walk away.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Calander Art

 In calander art weve been doing falling down a tunnel we drew spirals. Then we coloured it in i did purple green and red. It was super fun and easy to make.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 In technology I choose toys and games. First step was to plan and draw our models and also pick boats, planes and stilts. Second step was to get our models then we sanded it down and write our names on it. Third we put it togeather and did a white undercoat to make it easir. Fourth we put our real colours to make it look cool. Last we did stickers and made our own to.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Technology Toys&Games

 Hey readers.

For the past 2 months are technology group have been building boats/cars/planes all out of wood. We've also been painting we did 2 layers off white paint and were up to painting it our colours. We've been doing decor with windows names etc. It was super fun and pretty hard. Have you ever done any building or painting?

Gaming Addiction

 This week me and a buddy have being doing a slide show about gaming addiction. We read a couple storys and had to debate about it and made a slide we did pros and cons. I agreed that gaming is a addiction is something that needs help. It was super fun and easy to do.   

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Today, in writiting we did metaphors it was a mini leason we do mini leasons on tuesdays it was super fun to do it took me 10 minutes. metaphor words are was, were, and. We couldnt use like or as. It made it hard.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wonder Self Portrait

 Hello Readers

Today in Reading we did a self portrait online. But theres a catch it was like wonder the story we did it because were reading wonder as a Reading group thing. It was super fun and easy to make my presept was "Life is about using the whole box of crayons". I feel like it means use your life to the fullest and not to waist oppurtunites. I'd love to see yours if you do one heres the link to the website

Friday, August 28, 2020

Authors Purpose

On the 25th of August we did an Authors Purpose for writing. It was really fun to make and easy. We had to write if it was inform persuade or entairtain. Have you ever done something like this?

Three Day Weekend.

Hey readers.

Today in writing i finished my writing. We were doing persuasive writing it took a couple days. We made burger plans we did an introduction 3 paragraphs and the conclusion. My reasons were kids getting to tired from sports, They need more time with friends and family, my last reason was its more fun for kids those were my reasons.

Cartoon Me

 A week ago in digital citizenship we made cartoon me's. We outlined our face and then all the shades. Then we downloaded colour picker eyedropper. We click it then see the numbers we copy it then but in custom so it makes the colour. It was really fun to make and pretty easy. Have you ever done anything like this?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Including Opions

Last Week in writing we did a mini leason. We did including opions it was fun and easy to make. It took about 10 minutes to complete we had to agree or disagree i only agreed on one of them. Have you ever done a information?

Information Report

 Today in writing we did a information it was fun to make we searched up stuff and did a burger plan we did an intruduction 3 paragraphs and conclusion. it was really fun to make.

The GIANT Computer


Have you ever heard of the eniac?

The Eniacis a computer that was used for cameras. It was very good at the time and it helped them a lot. It was a  ginormous computer there were buttons everywhere like a gun just shot buttons all over it.


Over time computers have changed appearance and speed. This giant computer had many buttons and people controlling. It's very hard to control this computer because it was giant. The computer was giant and looked like a brick. It was hard and because of the time it's giant to have the technology of the time it weighed 30 tons.


John mauchly made the first computer. With the help of J.presper eckert. It was designed for printing things like papers etc. because the computer was good and the military tried buying it. John Mauchly
was born in 1907 30 august. He became a creator in 1946.


The Eniac Cost a lot of money. It was $400,000 . It's very expensive now because of how old it is. The Eniac Was completed by february 1986 a very long process. Originally it was $150,000. The Eniac Is located on the ground floor of the moorschool. The Eniac Was important because it helped modern day technology evolve quicker. Now because of technology computers are smaller and better.


Computers have changed from BIG to small computers. Modern computers run better than old one's.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Te-reo How are you?

 Today in Te-Reo we made videos. We got a buddy did a gretting and asked how are you responded and then we said are goodbyes, it was fun and easy to do. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

The GIANT Computer

 Today at writing we did a information report. We got to pick a topic i picked computer. We did 3 paragraphs and it was hard it took 3 days to complete, we did 5 senetences minium. We had to do a Introduction 3 paragraphs and conclusion. Have you ever done anything like it?

The GIANT Computer


Have you ever heard of the eniac?

The Eniacis a computer that was used for cameras. It was very good at the time and it helped them a lot. It was a  ginormous computer there were buttons everywhere like a gun just shot buttons all over it.


Over time computers have changed appearance and speed. This giant computer had many buttons and people controlling. It's very hard to control this computer because it was giant. The computer was giant and looked like a brick. It was hard and because of the time it's giant to have the technology of the time it weighed 30 tons.


John mauchly made the first computer. With the help of J.presper eckert. It was designed for printing things like papers etc. because the computer was good and the military tried buying it. John Mauchly
was born in 1907 30 august. He became a creator in 1946.


The Eniac Cost a lot of money. It was $400,000 . It's very expensive now because of how old it is. The Eniac Was completed by february 1986 a very long process. Originally it was $150,000. The Eniac Is located on the ground floor of the moorschool. The Eniac Was important because it helped modern day technology evolve quicker. Now because of technology computers are smaller and better.


Computers have changed from BIG to small computers. Modern computers run better than old one's.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Free Verse Poem

Hey, Readers

Today in writing, we made free verse poems. We made poems to learn about them and get better, They took awhile to make we write it on paper and then our chromebooks, Into a doc. They were easy to make, them Have, you ever made a poem?



Celebrations, Food, sharing 

Lunar New Year

Everyone, Kai, Community



History, Knowledge, Ancestry.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

My Drawings

Hi, My name is cameron and during quarintine i did some drawings they were really fun and easy to draw i watched totuorials or traced them of google the goku, one is a totuorial and the rest arnt i have a lot more drawings some were else but this is all i could find in my folder.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My Balance

Hey, Readers

Today in  inquiry we made a balance chart about how much we had too extemate how much we spend time on family and friends and time alone and other stuff we had to make it equal 100 in total. We learnt our balance. Do you know your balance? 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Questions About Samoa

Hey, my name is cameron and today in reading we got a sheet called Question About Samoa it was kinda easy we read a text and it gave us the awnsers to the, questions every question was about Samoa i learnt tatou means tato. Have yous ever learnt about Samoa.

treasure map

Hey, Readers

Today in reading we made treasure maps for eading it was really fun and easy to make them mine took 2 days and it was hard to draw. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Window Art

Hey, Readers

My name is cameron. And today we did art we made window art about are lockdown we drew or write stuff in a window on paper after we drew/write everything we coloured it in it was very annoying colouring it because we had to try to colour in the lines. Also making it look the most like what its meant to. It was easy to draw the logos. Have you ever write about ur lockdown journey?

Friday, May 15, 2020

Writing Book Online.

Hey, Readers

Over the past few days in writing we've been working on, a writing book on google slides we had some slides we had to complete befor we could blog our work. It was really fun to do the activites, and pretty hard we deleted a couple because we ran out of time to do them but other then that we did all of them. Did you do anything for online calls or slides?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why do bees sting?

Hey, Readers

Today in Inquiry we did some research about why bees sting us its mostly if we harm them or scare them the can sting you venom will get pumped in you until you take out the stinger. Did you know why Bees sting you.

Elapsed Time Maths

Hey, Readers.

Today in maths we did a time eplasped math thing. It was on a google slide it was very boring and easy to do. Have u heard of elepased time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PIC-LITS Writing

Hey, Readers

Today in writing we made a  pic-lit pic-lit is a website were you can use a imagine and it will give you words to use or free style i free styled mine cause its easeir to do. Its really easy to make heres the link you can change the picture for what you want to do it about.

If you use Pic-Lit tell me what you made in the comments.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Language Match work

Hey, Readers

Today in language we copyed the teachers drawing and it was about matching the maori saying to the picture it was easy to do i switched back & foward from the work and slides to make it easier we learnt muri and mua muri is behind and mua is infront. Have you learnt about how to say stuff in Maori?

Monday, May 11, 2020

TanGram Shapes

Today in make it monday inquiry we made Tangrams shapes Tangram shapes were made in 1813 china, the earliest tangram like puzzle was found in france 1742 not much is known about the origin of tangrams. The work we did was pretty fun to make and hardish because putting it togeather wasnt easy...

Have you ever heard of Tangrams?

Heres the link for the site

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Quality Blog Posts.

Today in writing we did a slide that had blog posts we had to mark them green for good yellow for decent and red for bad. It was pretty easy to do accept for the end we had to find blog posts we liked and i couldn't find any for awhile. This work was kinda boring tho. Have you ever checked or marked other peoples blogs?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Maori Saying of Weres Something

Hey, Readers

Today in inquiry we learned how to say weres the book in Maori, It was pretty easy to do it but a bit boring we ade a copy of our teachers, google slide and put this book where it said to put it. Do you know how to ask were something is in Maori?

Monday, May 4, 2020

My Creation of Area Perimeter

Hey, Readers

Today in inquiry we made pixel art and explored the area and perimeter it is not hard but not easy to find out the area and perimeter but sorta hard to make the pixel art cus i deleted mine and refreshed sometimes it was really fun to make it can you find out the area and perimeter?

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Chapter 10 harry potter thing

Hey, Readers.

Today in reading are teacher read us a book harry potter the phollisiper stone it was really cool ron and harry saved hirmonie from a troll and they became friends after that we did a Kahoot i came 5th place we had to do a slide that had questions and other stuff on it it was fun ish. Have you read harry potter?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Truth Or Lie Comic

Hey, Readers.

Today in writing we did a comic it was a trurth or lie we used pixton it is really cool for comics and other stuff it was really fun to use it for my work.

What do you think the truth, and the lie is?

Animaker Avatar

Hey, Readers

Today in Inquiry we made characters for animaker it was really fun to make and easy when we did it it was quite hard to get on some of us took awhile it was cool animaker is a fun website have you gone on animkaer?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Building Our Self-esteem

Hey, readers.

Last week in punui-o-toka. We did an activity about building self-esteem we had to pick positive words I picked creative, fun, curious, sociable, trusting, kind, beacuse i think. I am all of these. For a peice of paper and colour them in. We picked 5 and then cut them out we then glued it to, a peace of black paper with a picture of us. This activity was to buil our self-esteem it was really fun to make it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Math challange

Hey readers.

Today in maths i hade to make at triangle upside down with 3 moves

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Statistical investigation

Hey Readers.

Yesterday and today we got data from whakarua at shs i asked them what there favourite sport was and i write it in a tally chart and made it a chart we then went on are chromebooks and went it a google speadsheet i wrote my data on there and convererted it to a chart my statments about my work: Whakarua chose the other option for there fav, The least popular is league and tennis in whakarua, Hockey was 2 under other as favourite.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Patrik Animation.

Hey Readers.

Today we made animation i made one of patrik from spongebob it was fun but took a while to make the bad thing about it is trying to get it in the right position.

Maori greetings

Today in Maori greeting we practised Maori phrases it was fun to find out what they meant we had to say greeting in different languages Kia ora means lots of things like Hello/Thank you/Good bye
Its fun learning different stuff in other languages.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Start of year

Hey readers

Today i'm going to recount the start of this year.
We started on Thursday last week getting to see my friends was exciting but not that excited for school im in the same class as my friend an its really cool class rooms changed a lot from last year